Tuesday, February 13, 2007

That's the headline?

Womb attack woman pleads guilty

Dear BBC,

You must be kidding me. Womb attacker? Because there are so many disembodied wombs wandering about without a woman.



Sunday, February 11, 2007

Security Dilemma in Action

Or, at least, I think that's the right International Relations term to apply here. Perhaps, I should check on that before Tuesday's test.

Putin Hits U.S. Over Unilateral Approach

Rebuke Is Called Unusually Hostile

Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, February 11, 2007; Page A01

MUNICH, Feb. 10 -- Russian President Vladimir Putin, in some of his harshest criticism of the United States since he took office seven years ago, said Saturday that Washington's unilateral, militaristic approach had made the world a more dangerous place than at any time during the Cold War.

"The United States has overstepped its national borders in every way," he said in an address at an annual international security conference here. "Nobody feels secure anymore, because nobody can take safety behind the stone wall of international law."

(From The Washington Post, the rest is here.)

Not that I like Putin, but yeah, I can understand why's he's more than a little nervous about the United States' expansionist tendencies. And I do appreciate his criticism that the United States, particularly with this shrub of a president pushing through things like the patriot act and ignoring international conventions, needs to get off its high horse about human rights and democracy. We might be better than most, but to those who think the United States doesn't need to work on it's record I say: Черта с два! (And hope the TA didn't mislead me on the meaning of said phrase.)